We have been following initiatives that empower students to go beyond their traditional schools and classrooms, beyond their traditional pedagogies, and their traditional learning partners. We featured an initiative of Digital Promise that involved students in the...
Posts about: Yong Zhao
Episode 179 | Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship Education: Experiences of Chinese Students in Beijing and Chongqing
Transforming education is never easy but transformation is necessary. How to personalize education for every student? How to engage students in identifying and solving problems worth solving? How to connect students across school and cultural boundaries so they can...
The Power of Students: Voice and Research by Students
We have come to a time that students have been gradually recognized and accepted as purposeful, intentional, active, and capable individuals rather than simple recipients of instruction. Increasingly more schools and organizations have developed programs that advocate...
Episode 171: Educational Transformation through “School within a School:” Invitation instead of Imposition
Educational transformation is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve because of the diversity of views on how schools should operate. Typically, when changes are about to happen, they are intended to apply to every student and teacher in the school. In other...
Episode 168 | A Parent’s Journey to Create a Global “School:” The Hub
This episode will air on Saturday 9/30/2023 at Noon Eastern Discontent with traditional one-size-fits-all education and the COVID-19 pandemic have stimulated a variety of innovate efforts to create new educational possibilities. Among them is the Hub created by Luba...
Episode 161 | Human Restoration Project: Reimagining Education with Future Forward Thinking
Human Restoration Project: Reimagining Education with Future Forward Thinking As activist and author adrienne maree brown urges us, to “...fight for the future, get into the game, get dirty, get experimental…” – we need reimagined schools and public education now more...
Episode 119 | Views from Global Top Performers on the Future of Education
This episode will air on August 27, at 8:30 AM Eastern What is the future of education? What should it be? What can it be? How are policy makers in top PISA performing education systems thinking about the future of education? That is the focus of this episode of...
Episode 115 | Rethinking Creativity: Race, Culture, and Education
Creativity has grown to become one of the most important concepts in education in the 21st Century. However, much research and thinking about creativity remain in the traditional framework developed in the 1950s. Creativity and entrepreneurship education has also been...
Episode 113 | Addressing the Digital Divide: The Story of Oakland
When COVID-19 forced schools to offer remote learning, access to computing devices and the Internet became a significant issue for many children. Although digital divide had been talked about before the pandemic, remote learning made it a paramount issue for schools,...
Episode 111 | K-12 Expansion into Higher Education
The episode will air on June 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM Eastern. K-12 schools, especially those known for their own unique educational philosophies and pedagogies, have been working on preparing their own teachers and spreading their philosophies and pedagogies through their...