Episode #154. Saturday June 10, 2023, 10:00-11:00 am Eastern
As Martin Weller argued in his insightful free and open book nearly a decade ago, we educators find ourselves in a battle for open. Many of us are contributing to the battle for openness by publishing in open access journals or making our various research reports free and open to the world. Alternatively, we might be contributing an open educational resource (OER) of some type or placing our courses online for anyone to access and learn from, and perhaps even gaining a credential of some type from successful exploration or participation in that course. Others of us are taking the next step in the war with commercial publishers and educational platform vendors by publishing entire books online for anyone to download, use, share, and perhaps even remix. Still others have found the courage, stamina, and dedication to publish a series of such open access educational books or research reports. And then there is Royce Kimmons from Brigham Young University (BYU) who has ingeniously designed and developed a website for free and open educational technology textbooks and journals called EdTechBooks. Royce, along with Rick West and Jason McDonald of BYU have been active in using, promoting, and sharing the award-winning project. Attend this Episode #154 of Silver Lining for Learning and hear stories about their successes, challenges, and work left to accomplish at EdTechBooks. During the hour, Rick, Royce, and Jason will discuss different educational technology topics and trends in some of their most popular books as well as books and journal issues on emerging technology trends and topics that are about to be published. Come learn about this liberating world of open educational resources.
More resources and information about our guests below the video
Jason K. McDonald, & West, Richard E. Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis (1st ed.). EdTech Books. Available: https://edtechbooks.org/id
Richard West, Editor, Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology (second edition in process). https://edtechbooks.org/lidtfoundations
McDonald, J. K. (2023). The future of the field is not design. In R. E. West, & H. Leary (Eds.), Foundations of learning and instructional design technology: Historical roots & current trends (2nd ed.). EdTech Books. Retrieved from https://edtechbooks.org/foundations_of_learn/the_future_of_the_field_is_not_design
Bio. Richard E. West (@richardewest on twitter) is a professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. He teaches courses in instructional technology, academic research and writing, creativity and innovation, design psychology, and product/program evaluation. He studies how to innovate and advance education through improved and open educational Content, strong learning Communities, and open Credentials that better recognize student learning. He has presented his research in 11 countries, and has over 150 academic publications, along with several open textbooks for undergraduate/graduate students in the field, including:
His personal website is http://richardewest.com. Rick’s University homepage is at: https://education.byu.edu/directory/view/richardwest.com and his Google Scholar page is at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KZP3yKEAAAAJ. Rick can be contacted at rickwest@byu.edu.
Bio. A native of Provo, Jason McDonald is currently Professor of Instructional Psychology & Technology at BYU, having started in Fall 2016. He also received his PhD from BYU in Instructional Psychology & Technology in 2006. He currently teaches Introduction to Instructional Design, Project Management, Advanced Instructional Design, Design Theory and Learning Theory. He brings over twenty years of experience in industry and academia, with a career spanning a wide variety of roles connected to instructional design: face-to-face training; faculty development; corporate eLearning; story development for instructional films; and museum/exhibit design. He gained this experience as a university instructional designer; an executive for a large, international non-profit; a digital product director for a publishing company; and as an independent consultant. Dr. McDonald’s research focuses on advancing design practice and design education. He studies design as an expression of certain types of relationships with others and with the world, how designers experience rich and authentic ways of being human, the contingent and changeable nature of design, and design as a human accomplishment (meaning how design is not a natural process but is created by designers and so is open to continually being recreated by designers). At BYU, Dr. McDonald has taught courses in instructional design, media and culture change, project management, learning psychology, and design theory. His work can be found at https://jkmcdonald.com/ and university page is at https://innovation.byu.edu/directory/jason-mcdonald and https://education.byu.edu/directory/view/jason-mcdonald. He can be contacted at jason@byu.edu.
Bio: Royce Kimmons received his Ph.D. in Instructional Technology / Learning Technologies within the curriculum and instruction department at the University of Texas at Austin in 2012. He is currently an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University where he studies technology integration in K-12/higher education, open education, and social media. His personal homepage is: http://roycekimmons.com/ and his faculty website at BYU is at https://education.byu.edu/directory/view/royce-kimmons. He can be contacted at nope@roycekimmons@byu.edu.