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Delivering high quality professional development at scale that builds on new knowledge of learning and the mind is crucial to the future of teaching. In particular, teachers now must master remote and blended instruction as well as classroom interactions. This session describes a design science strategy for realizing those objectives. Diana Laurillard will discuss the models she has developed and studied, including new types of capacity building tools. We also will dialogue about the challenges of evaluation and the types of measures that predict success. Further, our conversation will address barriers to implementation and evolution. More about our guest below the video.


Diana Laurillard

Professor of Learning with Digital Technology at UCL Knowledge Lab, University College London. Formerly Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the government’s Department for Education and Skills; Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning Technology and Teaching at the Open University. Served on: the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for IT in Education, Moscow; Visiting Committee on IT, Harvard University, USA. Researching: ‘The Transformational Potential of MOOCs’ (Centre for Global HE, UCL-IOE); ‘Future Education’ (RELIEF Centre, UCL-IGP); learning design tools. Recent book: Teaching as a Design Science, Routledge. Lifetime Contribution Award, E-Assessment Association; Honorary Life Membership, Association for Learning Technology and Club Fondation Universitaire, Belgium.