Episode #83. Saturday November 13, 2021, 11:30 am Eastern
Each of the past 82 episodes of Silver Lining for Learning (SLL) has had a moment or two of contemplation about the future of education and how we humans will learn. This session of SLL will exemplify such contemplations. Noah Sobe, Senior Project Officer for the Futures of Education Initiative, and his colleagues at UNESCO in Paris authored a report in March 2021 on the Futures of Education: Learning to Become (see website; video). In that report, they rethink what education will be three decades into the future to 2050 with all the varied hopes and dreams of teachers, learners, government officials, and everyone else on Planet Earth to bring us “a manifesto for public action and regenerative education.” This report offers a humanistic view of what is now needed to advance education around the globe. However, Professor Sobe and his team were not done. Recently, they produced a yet another Futures of Education report for UNESCO, “Reimagining out futures together: A social contract for education” to appear on November 10, 2021. Attend this episode of Silver Lining for Learning and discover what is in that new report including ideas related to more equitable educational futures, disruptions and emerging transformations, pedagogies of cooperation and solidarity, curricula and the evolving knowledge commons, the transformative work of teachers, education across different times and spaces, research and innovation, building futures of education together, and much more! The UNESCO Futures of Education website is at https://en.unesco.org/futuresofeducation/
More about our guest below the video.
Professor Noah Sobe is a comparative education researcher and historian of education at Loyola University in Chicago. He teaches a range of courses in Loyola’s Cultural and Educational Policy Studies program and also serves as the Director of Loyola’s Center for Comparative Education. Professor Sobe is the Chair of Loyola’s Cultural and Educational Policy Studies Program and also the School of Education’s International Higher Education program. He is an active member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Comparative Education Society of Europe (CESE), the History of Education Society (HES), the International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE), the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), as well as CReATE, Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education. At present he serves on the Board of Directors of ISCHE and CIES where he is the Treasurer (2013-2015). The author of over 30 articles and book chapters, Professor Sobe’s scholarship examines the global circulation of educational policies and practices with a particular interest in the ways that schools function as contested sites of cultural production for the making up of people, peoples, societies and worlds. He can be reached at nw.sobe@unesco.org or nsobe@luc.edu.
Personal Homepage: http://nsobe.sites.luc.edu/
Homepage at Loyola University: https://www.luc.edu/education/faculty/directory/sobenoahw.shtml